Help Files:

Summary Screens

Charts Included In This Section:

The following charts are included within this section:

  • Accepted Actions - provides the stack of all accepted actions in the market which have contributed to the system price calculation.
  • Accepted BSAD - is designed to give a view of any BSAD activity noted in the market.
  • Activity Feed - provides a constant flow of updates about activity happening in the market.
  • Balancing Summary - shows summary prices at the top of the table including the NIV and system price forecast for the chosen time period.
  • Bid Table - provides a list of all units in the market able to be bid down along with the price at which they will reduce output and any other relevant information.
  • Bid to SEL Table - replicates the Bid Table, but only shows units that have an ability to turn down from their Final Physical Notification to their Stable Export Limit.
  • BM Unit Info - allows the user to choose 15 units that can be tracked via summary information boxes which will keep the user informed about key activity noted at those units.
  • Offer On Table - review how high offer prices (and so potentially system prices) could be if National Grid needs to bring a plant on to fill a gap or to build strategic margin.
  • Offer Table - offers a stack showing the volumes and prices for the next declared offer pair.
  • Submitted Bids - contains all the volume and price bid pairs for downwards regulation.
  • Submitted Offers - contains all the volume and price offer pairs for upwards regulation.

What Are The Summary Screens?

The summary screens are designed to give an overview of the underlying data with the ability to navigation into the underlying data via click-throughs on these charts (links will most commonly be on unit names and will be highlighted on rollover).

These include a processed alerts feed and are all designed to sit open on a user's screen, giving the user a feed of activity of interest in the market.