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System Charts

Charts Included In This Section:

The following charts are included within this section:

  • Derated Margin Progression - tracks the evolution of the de-rated margin over time.
  • Frequency - can be used to show what the 5 minutes to 5 minutes changes in output by fuel type have been over the past few hours and how this relates to frequency.
  • Inertia Estimate - uses analysis of inertia data released by National Grid to provide a means of tracking Inertia.
  • NIV Analysis - shows the current range of bid and offer activity in the market along with a system price calculation.
  • System Fuel Mix - uses the 5-minute block fuel mix data from National Grid and plots it on a chart.
  • System Summary - offers a concise overview of the most important activity in the market.

What Are The System Screens?

Key system activity can be summarised by considering levels of generation by fuel type and by considering the key metrics in the system. These metrics typically revolve around market prices and the influence on these prices.

The system has a number of natural key metrics including market prices and demand, but aggregates can also be produced such as total imbalance volumes and levels of margin within the system to better understand the key drivers of price changes in the market.