Help Files:

System Summary


The system summary page is designed to offer a concise overview of the most important activity in the market and to highlight the main activity of interest and in particular that based around market prices.

Included Data

The system summary chart includes the following data series:

  • Demand + System Margin - Shows the margin within the system as measured by the sum of MEL (Max Export Limit - or availability) volumes.
  • Generation - Plots the total levels of minute-by-minute generation noted within the system.
  • Imbalances - Plots the sum of all imbalance volumes noted within the system.
  • Price Calculation (+/-500MW) - this is a live calculation of the system price algorithm, but with the Net Imbalance Volume intersection point increased/decreased by 500MW to provide a sensitivity for a system price value for a large change in the net imbalance.
  • Price Calculation (+/-200MW) - this is a live calculation of the system price algorithm, but with the Net Imbalance Volume intersection point increased/decreased by 200MW to provide a sensitivity for a system price value for a small change in the net imbalance.
  • Price Calculation (+/-100MW) - this is a live calculation of the system price algorithm, but with the Net Imbalance Volume intersection point increased/decreased by 100MW to provide a sensitivity for a system price value for a very small change in the net imbalance.
  • System Price - the price at which over-produced power must be sold at and at which under-produced power must be bought at.
  • Price Calculation - a live calculation of the system price based upon the same alogrithm used by Elexon after the period end to publish the outturn value. As this is a calculation this is a very accurate value post-period end, but will be subject to change where balancing corrections are still on-going.
  • Calculated MIDP - a live calculation of the current position of the the market index data price (the volume weighted average of the trades in the APX intraday auction within an 8 hour window ahead of delivery).
  • MIDP - the market index data price (the volume weighted average of the trades in the APX intraday auction within an 8 hour window ahead of delivery).

Data Service

The data for the System Summary chart can be extracted from the API. The parameters are as follows:

Code Required/Optional Description
chart Required systemsummary
update Optional If false will always return data, else will return no data message if no change since submitted time
gmtupdatetime Required if update=true If update=true must put in the time of the last update. Can use the top field timestamp="2018-06-20T08:46:51" to get the last check time and then this feature can be used to only get data when a change has occurred.
format Required The type of format. The value could be xml or csv. (See 'formats' action)

Example :