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Accepted BSADAboutThe Accepted BSAD chart is designed to give a view of any BSAD activity noted in the market. Within this data it is worth noting that non-BM STOR values arrive after the period end by around 15 minutes. The chart can be configured via "BSAD Display" either to show a summary of BSAD actions (excluding actions < 1MWh which will be removed from the system price calculation) or the Full List of BSAD actions for the chosen time period. The up and down button switch between those two categories.
Included DataBSAD (balancing services adjustment data) accounts for the costs and volumes of procuring Balancing Services outside of the Balancing Mechanism are also fed through into the calculation of System Prices. For instance this often stems from non-BM STOR (a reserve power service) or interconnector trades. If the BSAD Display is set to Summary Values then the actions that have the same price will be grouped together. Colours GuideThe following details the colours used in this chart:
Data ServiceThe data for the Accepted BSAD table can be extracted from the API. The parameters are as follows: