Help Files:

Bid/Offer Volume Summary


The Offer/Bid Volume Summary chart shows levels of offer and bid volumes by fuel type or by price and can be displayed as a “Cumulative Area” or as a “Non-Cumulative Line”.

This chart can be clicked upon to see the units for any given minute and then it is possible to click through for any of these units to find out more about the underlying action.

Included Data

The data on this chart is the Accepted Bid/Offer Volume data, which represents the volume of actions taken by National Grid to reduce/increase generation via the Balancing Mechanism within gate-closure. Additionally the BSAD volumes are shown which show the volume of activity taken outside the Balancing Mechanism (typically via interconnectors).

This can be seen grouped by fuel type or by the price at which actions have been accepted (grouped into bands of similar prices). For instance in this screenshot the prices are predominantly falling into three bands (BSAD trades outside the Balancing Mechanism, offers to turn up for less than £50/MWh and bids to turn down at £0-10/MWh):

Data Service

The data for the Bid/Offer Volumes Summary chart can be extracted from the API. The parameters are as follows:

Code Required/Optional Description
chart Required bidoffvoloverall
update Optional If false will always return data, else will return no data message if no change since submitted time
gmtupdatetime Required if update=true If update=true must put in the time of the last update. Can use the top field timestamp="2018-06-20T08:46:51" to get the last check time and then this feature can be used to only get data when a change has occurred.
format Required The type of format. The value could be xml or csv. (See 'formats' action)
series_to_plot Optional The type of aggregation to use, e.g. fuel or bidprice (see chart URL for more types). Defaults to fuel if missing.

Example :