Help Files:

System Generation Summary


The System Generation Summary summarises levels of planned generation adjusted for balancing actions by fuel type over time. This is not as accurate as the System Fuel Mix but clicking on this chart does give a list of all units active in the market for any given period of time.

Included Data

The data in this chart is the aggregated levels of post-balancing generation.

Data Service

The data for the System Generation Summary chart can be extracted from the API. The parameters are as follows:

Code Required/Optional Description
chart Required systemgenoverall
update Optional If false will always return data, else will return no data message if no change since submitted time
gmtupdatetime Required if update=true If update=true must put in the time of the last update. Can use the top field timestamp="2018-06-20T08:46:51" to get the last check time and then this feature can be used to only get data when a change has occurred.
format Required The type of format. The value could be xml or csv. (See 'formats' action)

Example :