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System Margin Summary


The System Margin Summary chart shows levels of available margin by fuel or by declared offer price, indicating the amount of spare capacity in the system with an indication of how expensive this margin might become shown by the fuel types available.

Included Data

This is calculate by the amount of MEL available at units beyond their generation levels and it should be noted that ramp rates and other dynamic parameters may prevent much of this margin from being available in the short term.

Clicking on the chart will open a box showing levels of margin by unit ranked by price alongside the size of the possible generation increases and their planned generation. Once this box is opened it is possible to click through from here to see the unit's charts.

The System Margin Summary is a chart that can be used to show the overall levels of margin in the market and the overall levels of margin at Already Online Generators. Where this margin at Already Online Generators gets low (normally at around 1GW), National Grid tends to bring on another plant from the slower responding section of the Offer On Table.

By setting the Grouping Filter, the margin is broken up based upon the prices submitted for price increases showing how much capacity National Grid can secure at different price bands.

This is a chart where the 'SEE HISTORY' button in the top left can be useful to look further back in time to see how these price bands have moved. Generators will often move their prices the day before a tight day and so any increases in the dark red zone show where generators are looking to maximise their revenue opportunities in the market. The back button will return a user to this chart after pressing 'SEE HISTORY'.

Data Service

The data for the System Margin Summary chart can be extracted from the API. The parameters are as follows:

Code Required/Optional Description
chart Required systemmarginoverall
update Optional If false will always return data, else will return no data message if no change since submitted time
gmtupdatetime Required if update=true If update=true must put in the time of the last update. Can use the top field timestamp="2018-06-20T08:46:51" to get the last check time and then this feature can be used to only get data when a change has occurred.
format Required The type of format. The value could be xml or csv. (See 'formats' action)
series_to_plot Optional The type of aggregation to use, e.g. fuel or offerprice (see chart URL for more types). Defaults to fuel if missing.
spinningreserve Optional Whether spinning reserve only (1) or not (0). Defaults to 0 (all margin).

Example :